Computer Virus Removal in Raleigh, Durham & Cary NC
If you are a frequent computer user who has managed to avoid getting a computer virus, then count yourself among the lucky ones. If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a malicious computer virus, then you may know firsthand the devastation that it can wreak; it damages your files, corrupts your computer, and can be a real productivity suck. But the problem doesn’t always end there.
A computer virus can spread far behind just the machine that it infects. These viruses are often all about one thing: gleaning as much information about the host as it can.
If you store passwords for your checking account or credit card information online, some viruses seek them out. It’s not uncommon for a hacker to use a virus to get your banking information and try to or even succeed in accessing your bank account. Unfortunately, people are victims of this kind of cyber crime on a daily basis.
That’s not even the half of it. Some greedy viruses, once inside your system, can access your email, and from there, it can send its corruption via malicious files to every contact in your list. This includes not just family and friends, but your important business contacts, clients, colleagues, and others.
You’re not immune from computer viruses.
No one on your list is immune from these sorts of viruses, and hackers count on people clicking emails sent from people (like you) that they trust and converse with via email anyway. From just one little virus on your PC, hundreds or even thousands of other PCs can become infected. PC Technika can help you protect yourself from this potential scenario.
Preventing viruses is crucial, whether you own a computer, tablet, smartphone, or other devices. Chances are good that you have experienced exposure to a virus sometime in the past since they are virtually everywhere.
You might pick one up from an innocuous-looking email from Aunt Fanny or by visiting a website that looks innocent enough but that actually only exists to inject ugly viruses into your PC. Social media sites are known harbingers of computer viruses, as are removable flash drives. What can you do to protect yourself from this imminent danger?
How can I best avoid getting a computer virus?
To avoid infection, PC Technika recommends using common sense. If a source seems less than legit or a message seems awkward or suspect, do not click on it or open it. It is all too often that we hear our customers say “I had a weird feeling about this site, but I clicked on it anyway.” It takes just one click to give the virus a foothold, so listen to that little voice when you’re not really sure about a site’s (or a message’s) legitimacy.
It can be helpful to remember that your computer is equipped with three gatekeepers. The first of these is your router, which lies between the internet provider’s equipment and your computer. Like the entry door to your house, the router is the door to your network, and it helps in some ways to keep intruders at bay.
The next gateway is your computer’s firewall. This may just be the Windows firewall on your PC, or it might be a firewall that comes bundled along with your anti-virus software.
Finally, an anti-virus program itself serves as a gatekeeper. Consider it a guard that stands sentry at all times, watching over your computer and intercepting anything that dares to enter uninvited.
Let PC Technika help you get your computer network security up to par so that you don’t have to worry about the consequences of viruses and malware. If it’s too late and you already have a virus, we can get your devices and network cleaned up and healthy again.