PC Hardware & Software Upgrades in Raleigh
A common complaint among clients is that their computer equipment is slow and fails to perform like it used to. New computers tend to run at lightning speed and then become slower and slower the older they get. With time and daily use, your computer’s settings and files become bogged down. When that happens it’s time to look at PC Hardware & Software Upgrades to keep you running smoothly.
The more you install and uninstall software, copy files, delete files, and add programs to your computer system, the longer your system takes to open your apps, and you may begin to get errors that your computer is unable to perform the tasks you’re trying to perform.
As a comparison, think of a library that’s normally filled with books; now take the books from their slots on the shelves and position them randomly around the room. The stacks of books are similar to your computer’s system files.
When your computer needs to find a file, it takes it longer and longer to find them, since they are not shelved where they should go. For the end user, this can be extremely frustrating. So how do you fix the performance lag that you experience with your computer’s software?
Housekeeping for Your Computer Software
When dealing with a slow system, a good place to start is to perform basic maintenance. Our technicians can analyze your computer system and devise a plan of action to restore your machine’s performance.
Initially, we complete a system defrag; in our scenario above, this is similar to hiring an efficient librarian to put those books back on their shelves in the right order. Our techs also perform housekeeping duties on other files in your system, removing unnecessary or old files that you no longer need, uninstall programs you don’t use, and undertaking other simple tweaks that can help your computer run faster and more efficiently.
During software housekeeping, our techs also update your software and antivirus program and critical files and configure or install your existing programs and new programs to better serve your specific needs while keeping your computer’s performance in mind.
Once your software is all cleaned up and ready to go, what do we do about your machine’s hardware?
PC Technika gets under the hood, so to speak, sort of like your dentist does at your six-month dental checkup or when you take your car in for maintenance. Our techs are looking for any type of hardware issue that might cause a problem for you in the future.
Over time, the hardware in your PC or laptop gets a good workout, and like all things, it can and will fail. Our technicians are trained specifically to understand the potential hardware issues and the points that tend to fail most often.
This helps you nip possible problems in the bud before they strike out at you at 1 a.m. when you’re finishing up that spreadsheet for tomorrow’s meeting or that research paper for your class. Preventative maintenance is key to keeping your equipment running fast and dependable.
As part of PC Technika’s commitment to total service for our customers, we also establish a custom action plan for maintaining your computer system. Our plan is based on your specific business needs and your desire to minimize downtime due to failures in your system or its components. Implementing our plan along with regular maintenance by our techs can help you to safeguard your data and system, keeping everything running at optimal speed.
When identifying potential issues with your system’s hardware, our skilled techs can recommend upgrades to make your equipment perform at its top level. SSD disk drives, upgraded video cards, and expanded memory are common components that can help extend your computer’s useful service life and increase performance.
We may also recommend upgrading outdated equipment if repairs are too costly. We are authorized resellers for many top brands – including Samsung, Acer, HP, and Lenovo – so we can get you a great deal on a great system if it’s time for something new.
Contact us today to find out how our technicians can enhance the performance and efficiency of your system for added assurance, peace of mind, and productivity.